When I think about starting a blog, it always seems like such a fantastic idea. Everyone has a blog and they all have these rad followers and it looks all fun and glamorous. And then I try to write one. And I've got nothin'. I'm boring, why would anyone read my blog? Well, whatever. I decided 2014 will be the year of the blog for me. Well the year of expanding my online presence. And so, I will be regularly working on our website as well as this blog all year. That's on top of sewing and all that jazz.
Amber and I are both really excited about 2014. We both included Von Geekery on our list of new years resolutions. We both want to work hard and expand! We have ideas for more stuff and are working on getting more done and get our name out there. Our one day goal is to have a table to sell at a comic con. Maybe not SDCC (because that means I can't walk around and see panels) but any decent sized con. They're very expensive so the amount of inventory we would have to make/sell is well beyond our current status. But that's someday in the future.
This is going to be a busy year but I'm looking at it with a positive outlook. Tax season (I'm an accountant by day) is just about upon us, so I'll be busy with that. I'll be sewing and crafting by night! I'm going to be in a wedding in September and I'm sure there will be parties and such for that throughout the year. SDCC will be in July and if I can get my damn money together I will be going to that. My daughter is growing and getting bigger and smarter every day, so I want to really enjoy her right now. That's one of my resolutions too, just enjoy the moments with her. Screw the laundry and dishes. These days pass so quickly I want to remember them. I'm also making a line a natural body care products. I'm working on an SPF day cream and wrinkle stick and some other stuff so I'll post about those concoctions too. So much going on! Woo!
So, hopefully you'll be seeing more of me here. With hopefully more interesting stuff to tell you about!
Here are two of my favorite people in the world, bottom pic is Camille in her knit-by-me Jayne hat and top pic is Amber and I :-)